AKA The log4j Incident

AKA Karen Was Right

I worked a company that used Java with Log4j for logging. Log4j was configured to submit log entries to a logging SaaS by sending them to an agent running on the same server. However, the multi-line Java stack traces would get appear as single-line entries on the logging SaaS, making them very hard to correlate and follow.

People would come to me periodically to deal with the issue by blaming the SaaS. I would tell them that it wasn’t the SaaS, which supported multi-line entries, as could be seen with our non-Java apps, and that the logging library shared by the Java apps was likely at fault. Eventually I ran a test with tcpdump on a server, showing that the messages had already been broken up into one line per message to the logging agent. But still, regular visits blaming the log service. Eventually, I even wrote an FAQ about the issue, which included the tcpdump output, so when people pinged me about it, I could point them to it. It was on the app side, clear as day.

This went on for two years. TWO YEARS. Finally, I had had it. I sat down, combed through the log4j docs and examples, altered the logger class and made a test app that showed that, by using a different log4j method (or maybe it was a method option? I can’t remember), the multi-line stack traces would appear in Sumo as single, discrete log entries.

I don’t generally have the inclination to say, “I told you so,” (especially when it should really go without saying), but TWO YEARS. I told my boss I wanted t-shirts distributed to everyone in engineering saying, “Karen was right.”

Stick figure drawing of a person wearing a t-shirt that reads 'Karen was right'
A shirt for any and all contexts

The t-shirts were not forthcoming. I left the company soon thereafter.